Welcome to the New Website!

By the way, a new look can be exciting and therapeutic

Today we launched the new and improved website for Bolton Therapy & Wellness (BTW)!

A makeover was long overdue, but we’ve been so busy since the start of the pandemic we had to put some tasks on hold until now. The new website has additional information and features to help both potential and existing clients. Please, look around.

As we worked on the website, it was exciting and deeply satisfying to see everything come together. Going through the process of updating the BTW website reminded me of conversations I’ve had with several clients about things they’ve been doing to feel a sense of newness. Some clients have changed careers or moved. Others were happy about buying some new outfits or changing their hairstyle.

Many clients have been dealing with depression and anxiety. Some of this has to do with life still not being the same as it was prior to the Covid pandemic. A makeover, a new look, a decisive change, even something small, can have an amazing impact on mental health.

This is backed up by evidence. Studies show that a makeover or a routine of self-care (with some new activities thrown in for spice) can improve our mood, alleviate anxiety and depression, make us feel confident and empowered, and in some cases be affirming to our identity. In fact, it doesn’t take a long time or something big to feel these benefits.

What is something you can do to feel a bit of “newness,” even something small? Try it this weekend and give yourself a bit of therapeutic self-care. Feel free to share what you did and how it made you feel. Maybe you can give the rest of us some ideas.