Worry doesn’t have to rule your life.

Anxiety treatment can help you feel better.

You are not the only one struggling with anxiety.

Many clients delay seeking help with anxiety because they believe their feelings are unique. They tell themselves “it’s just me.” The fact is that many people, especially today, feel frequent stress and worry at a level that adversely impacts their daily life. You are not alone. For many clients, just talking about their anxiety helps them feel better because it validates their experiences and confirms that others are going through the same things.


Symptoms of Anxiety

Symptoms of anxiety include feeling nervous, restless or tense. You may also experience physical symptoms such as increased heart rate or stomach cramps. Your anxiety may be associated with certain specific situations or experiences, such as anxiety about being out in public, in regard to a medical condition, fear of being separated from or losing a loved one, or the general state of the world.

Sometimes anxiety isn’t just a stand-alone condition.

It is a symptom of trauma, including identity-based trauma. For example, being reminded of a past traumatic experience induces fear and worry, perhaps because the person relives the past traumatic experience or worries that they may experience similar trauma again. Often, addressing the underlying trauma not only alleviates issues related to the trauma but also alleviates the accompanying anxiety. We have found that brain-body therapies like EMDR and BrainSpotting are effective in addressing both trauma and the anxiety it causes.


Give yourself relief with Anxiety Therapy.

Imagine a life without stressing over emails, feeling safe to leave your home, no longer second-guessing every decision you make, or falling asleep faster. This is possible for you. At Bolton Therapy & Wellness, we believe anxiety is treatable. We want to work with you and equip you with the tools to process your thoughts in a healthier way. We use a variety of approaches to help clients manage and overcome their anxiety, including brain-body therapies such as EMDR and BrainSpotting. We tailor our approaches to the specific needs of each client.

You may believe therapy can help you but you still have questions about anxiety therapy.

  • Yes and no. It is a normal part of human experience to feel anxious occasionally. However, frequently feeling intense, persistent worry and fear that interferes with daily activities should be addressed. Therapy can help alleviate debilitating anxiety by giving you coping skills and helping you identify and address the root causes of fear and worry.

  • Yes, people with anxiety often also have depression. Anxiety and depression is a very common dual diagnosis. For example, anxiety may occur as a symptom of clinical (major) depression. It is also common to have depression that's triggered by an anxiety disorder, Fortunately, many of the treatment approaches that are proven to be most effective in treating anxiety also alleviate depression.

  • While occasional anxiety is perfectly normal, you should consider seeking help from a therapist if:

    • Your worrying is interfering with daily life, such as work, relationships or overall happiness

    • Your anxiety seems to spiral and is difficult to control

    • You also feel depressed, have trouble with alcohol or drug use, or have other mental health concerns along with anxiety

    • You think your anxiety could be linked to a physical health problem

    • You are struggling with past or ongoing trauma, including identity-based trauma

    • If you have suicidal thoughts or behaviors, you should seek emergency treatment.

    You can take our anxiety quiz by clicking here.


Get help managing your anxiety.

Contact us today to schedule a free 15-minute phone call for us to discuss how we can help you.